Company Our history
1928 - Starting a business in Slovakia

In 1928, Walter Schöler, the grandfather of today's managing partners, founded his first company in the towm of Kežmarok (Kesmark), Slovakia. At that time, the German inhabitants of the small town represented the majority of the city's population.
Walter Schöler was a tinkerer with a wealth of invention and an eye for the new. Through many small, first steps, the bicycle workshop developed from its first company to a design and development office including its own production.
1959 - Foundation of the present headquarter in Pansdorf

Scarred by the turmoil of World War II, the family was repeatedly forced to give up everything and start anew somewhere else. Fleeing from Slovakia and the Czech Republic, Schöler moved to Halle an der Saale before and during the war years, via countless stations, and was able to gain a foothold again in Lübeck after the war.
The initial design office quickly grew into a manufacturing facility for smaller machines that were manufactured for the local companies. At the end of the 1950s, the headquarters were relocated to the present site about 20 km north of Lübeck. From this time onwards, Schöler was able to build up a name in the food industry and special machine construction.
1973 - Business handed over to the second family generation

At the beginning of the 1970s, the special machinery manufacturing business, which had by then become established in the region, was transferred to the second generation, Inge and Peter Schöler. The handicraft business, which was already active in the heat exchanger business during this time, quickly developed into a nationally known manufacturer of special machines.
From the delivery of the first production plants, which were mainly developed and manufactured for the German automotive industry, an international business quickly developed. As early as the mid-1970s, the company entered the Southeast Asian market, where the roots for today's success can be found throughout Asia. The production facility at that time quickly grew from the former 300 sqm production area to several 1,000 sqm due to the constantly increasing need for space.
1995 - First trade representation in China

After the China business had already been developed bit by bit in the first half of the 80s, the next step was foreseeable. In 1995, Schoeler's first commercial agency was established in Hong Kong. From here, the successful course continued in cooperation with various trading companies located throughout Asia. The Hong Kong agency covered the entire Mainland China market and made Schoeler the market leader in this region.
1999 - Expansion of the management by the third family generation

As in the 1970s, Schoeler relied on continuity in the management to stabilize the further expansion course and continues the tradition of the family business with the inclusion of the 3rd family generation in the management. Sabine Schöler-Olsson and Jan Schöler were appointed as managing partners and Lennart Olsson as managing director.
In the course of this, the ownership structure was also restructured in order to consistently pass on the responsibilities to the next generation. Inge and Peter Schöler thus initiated the important generational change at an early stage and transferred the operative business into new but familiar hands.
1999 - Foundation of Schoeler of America, Inc. in Buffalo, NY

After the founding of the sales office in China was a complete success, the world's first foreign subsidiary of Schöler was founded at the end of the millennium. From now on, the fortunes for North America were managed from Buffalo, NY. The sales of systems and spare parts as well as the complete service for Schöler systems were organized via the US base. An extensive, on-site spare parts warehouse paired with a fast and uncomplicated service were the success factors that have contributed significantly to the development of the North American market.
2001 - Takeover of the company 'SILA Maschinenfabrikation' in Hamburg

With the takeover of the competitor 'SILA Maschinenfabrikation' in Hamburg, Schoeler was able to expand its product portfolio to include the area of machines and tools important for the smaller aftermarket customers. In particular, spare parts sales and toolmaking were able to profit from the integration into Schöler GmbH. Production was relocated from Hamburg to the headquarter in Pansdorf.
2003 - 75th anniversary of the company

In 2003, Schöler GmbH celebrated its 75th anniversary. From a handicraft business to an engineering office, the company has grown into a global manufacturer of premium systems for the manufacture of special machines for heat exchanger porduction with over 150 employees and a production area of 7,500 square meters.
All well-known heat exchanger manufacturers in the automotive industry and in the stationary heat exchanger sector worldwide are now supplied with Schöler systems and know-how. The continuity in the market, the innovative skill and the close contact to existing and new customers characterize the history of the company and allow Schöler to look back on an exceptionally successful past and a promising future.
2008 - Relocation of Schoeler of America, Inc. to Dallas, TX

The very good market development in the USA and Mexico made it possible to move the company headquarter from Buffalo, NY to Dallas, TX in 2008. New staff, increased warehouse space and a strategically central location to our customers in Mexico supported the relocation to Dallas. Additional technical know-how and the expansion of sales capacities were able to contribute significantly to further market development in Mexico.
2011 - Foundation of Schoeler (Guangzhou) Machinery Co. Ltd.

Due to the ever faster growing Chinese market, Schöler was able to take the step from a commercial agency to an independent subsidiary based on the US model in 2011. The foundation of a 100% subsidiary based in Guangzhou in the province of Guangdong now made it possible to build up a local service network and spare parts as well as equipment sales.
With the help of eight Chinese employees, the best possible customer proximity and optimum response times are guaranteed. Schoeler Guangzhou is rapidly growing into a reliable, local partner for all our customers developed since 1985.
2012 - 'Everything new, please' - Redesign of the product portfolio

With the development of the new corporate and market strategy, Schoeler has also taken the step of completely redesigning its product portfolio. Away from the developer of individual solutions without sufficient product and module standardization, the entire range of systems has been transformed piece by piece visually, technically and cost-wise to a completely new level.
Since 2012, standardized and modularized individual components have been the key to the success of the new products, which can be configured both as standard and as individual systems for special applications. An important step has found its beginning.
2013 - Relocation of Schoeler of America, Inc. to Charlotte, NC

Since the Mexican market had established in the meantime and the immediate proximity was no longer necessary, Schoeler of America was able to move to its current location in Charlotte, NC. The good transport connections, the wide range of local suppliers and the reduced time difference to Germany make Charlotte the perfect place to serve North America and Mexico from.
2014 - Reorganisation of the management

Not only the product portfolio is reorganized, but also the management. With the departure of the second generation from the operational business, the full responsibility of the management will be transferred to the third generation in 2014. The areas of administration and finance, marketing, sales and the area of technical trades will be distributed among the three managing directors.
The individual responsibility in the clearly defined area of competence creates a trusting cooperation within the management, in the business and towards the customers in order to define the future direction.
2019 - Establishment of the Service Point in India

The Indian market has always been of great importance to Schoeler. Early customer contacts in the 80s and a continuously growing demand for machines and tools made the expansion possible. Our long-standing sales representation was expanded from 2019 to include technical service from our office in New Delhi.
Since then, we can also guarantee a fast and uncomplicated on-site service for all our products in India. Machine installations, tool commissioning or even maintenance orders can be handled promptly and competently with local personnel.
Unternehmensgründung in der Slowakei
Gründung des heutigen Stammsitzes in Pansdorf
Geschäftsübergabe an die zweite Familiengeneration
Erste Handelsvertretung in China
Erweiterung der Geschäftsleitung um die 3. Familiengeneration
Gründung von Schoeler of America, Inc. in Buffalo, NY
Übernahme der Firma SILA Maschinenfabrikation in Hamburg
75-jähriges Firmenjubiläum
Verlagerung von Schoeler of America, Inc. nach Dallas, TX
Gründung von Schoeler (Guangzhou) Machinery Co. Ltd.
'Einmal alles neu, bitte" - Redesign des Produktportfolios
Schoeler of America zieht nach Charlotte, NC um
Reorganisation der Geschäftsführung
Gründung des Service-Points in Indien